Industrial Internet core architecture research - non-standard automation equipment

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Industrial Internet core architecture research - non-standard automation equipment

Release date:2022-03-24 author: click:

fter looking at the Internet, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, German Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025, let's have a look at the related architecture and topics.

Whether it's IBM's Smart Planet, Cisco's Internet of Everything, IoE, GE's Industrial Internet and the Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT, Gartner's Digital Business, Germany's Industry 4.0, Made in China 2025, Alibaba's C2B Business model, Haier's Connected factory and smart Home are all talking about the same thing, but only from different perspectives and practices. The earth's ecosystem, where the Internet permeates every part of society, will be complete by 2025.

The core architecture of the Industrial Internet of Things is shown in the figure below, and the central point is Service Innovation and Data Innovation. By 2025, most businesses will have transformed into service businesses, whether in services or in industry, manufacturing, non-standard automation equipment and agriculture. The core business of any industry category is to serve as the center, and to meet user reputation as the highest value.

Media enterprises in the original industrial links, including agents, distributors and retailers, will disappear due to the emergence of Internet platforms and de-intermediation. Individuals and businesses that produce goods and provide services will use ICT and vehicles, directly to the end users of services.

By 2025, the concept of digital economy has matured, whether the knowledge-based economy proposed in 2000 or the digital economy proposed in 2015 has become the basic thinking of the government or enterprises. There is no such thing as Big Data companies in the world, because all companies are Big Data companies. Data and big data analysis and application in decision-making have been widely used in every level of enterprise operation, from consumer exploration, consumer participation in design, emerging product development, intelligent factory production, intelligent logistics operation and after-sales service and maintenance.

The core concepts of data and intelligence are widely internalized by workers at all levels of the enterprise, and knowledge-based data and intelligence companies assist enterprises in making a wide variety of decisions.

The core architecture of the Industrial Internet of Things is highly integrated by three technologies. They are Information Technology (IT), Operational Technology (OT) and CommuNIcation Technology (CT). We often refer to Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Information Communication industry. By 2025, it will converge into ICOT technology or the ICOT industry.

The traditional industrial giants, including GE, Honeywell, Johnson Controls, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Philips, ABB, etc., will continue to be challenged by new entrants. Perhaps some will disappear in 2025.

IT covers the software and hardware of information technology. If the software structure of the enterprise's overall operation, including e-commerce (e-Commerce), enterprise resource planning system (ERP), product life cycle management system (PLM), supply chain management system (SCM), customer relationship management system (CRM) and office automation system (OA). In terms of hardware, data centers, or small data centers, will form the basis of future information technology hardware as Cloud Computing and Fog Computing advances. On the end, mobile vehicles and other mobile screens, such as the 11-screen proposed by Hon Hai, will continue to be added and display screens will be ubiquitous.

Communication technology including wired communication, wireless communication, long distance communication and short distance communication will continue to develop. According to the ETSI communication process, 5G will already be commercialized by 2020, and 5G networks should be ubiquitous by 2025. 5G communication network is only part of it. Other wireless communication technologies, including WiFi, Bluetooth and Zigbee, will continue to make progress. Meanwhile, the connection and integration between different communication technologies will also be closer.

Wired communications continue to advance, both at the corporate end of the network and at the factory end. Taking smart factory as an example, industrial communication and bus technologies will continue to develop, such as Siemens' Profinet and Beckhoff's EtherCAT. Of course, PLC(Power Line Communication), which transmits data through Power lines, has also received a lot of attention.

OT operation technology is an operations-related technology category. From the perspective of positioning, it can be regarded as the interface technology between information technology and the real world. In the case of plant operations, this includes Manufacturing Execution System (MES), monitoring and Integrated Control (SCADA), and sensing and Control technologies for production lines or equipment (Monitor & Control). Sensors related technology is also a key player. OT operation technology is widely used, such as smart agriculture operation technology, smart hospital also has its know-how, smart storage and logistics will be established one after another.

OT operation technology is the key to the effective operation of the system. Many operational technologies are also related to sensing and control in the physical world, so intelligent robots, service robots, intelligent warehousing, intelligent electric vehicles and intelligent production equipment are the focus. Internet of Things technology is a core topic of operation technology.

In general, the industrial Internet of Things and the core architecture of Industry 4.0 are the collection, integration, integration, value mining and value creation of the above four innovations and technologies.

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